Thanks for the help. I got a successful compile now (no errors), however,
when I run the program i compiled (with gcc cgi-postsplit.pas -o
cgi-postsplit), I get a bash error telling me the file is not there. When
I compile a test program test.pas, I get no output at all
Attached are those files.
I tried running configure and make (even a make distclean before i
started) and I get an error 126 on ../gcc-! Thoughts? Right
now (I don't know what happened to cause this not to work nor compile
properly), but now I can't compile a program. A simple program that
assigns a string to S and writeln's it out doesn't error on compile, but
runs w/o output (test.pas). a program that I have attached
(cgi-postsplit.pas) give me a bash error telling me there is no such file
or directory...HELP!
program stringsplit;
x,y : integer;
s : string(255);
s:='This is a string';
writeln('The String is = ',s)
program stringsplit;
#include "strpas.pas"
x, y : integer;
s, newenv, curenv, newenvval, curenvval : string(255);
teststr: CString;
PCString = ^CString;
Function getenv(curenv:CString): PCString; C;
Function setenv(newenv,newenvval:Tstring; x:integer): integer; C;
s:='Test string';
writeln('The String is = ',s)