-----Message d'origine-----
De : Peter Gerwinski <peter(a)gerwinski.de>
à : Nathalie Jarosz <njarosz(a)fr.packardbell.org>
Cc : gpc(a)gnu.de <gpc(a)gnu.de>; grx(a)gnu.de <grx(a)gnu.de>
Date : vendredi 23 juin 2000 10:32
Objet : Re: graphic
>> " 2) set the GRX font dir.
>> " SET GRXFONT=<directory for the GRX fonts>
>> " This is required for GRX graphics text output. Path: <GRX
>> " NOTE: You can define a default font directory when compiling GRX.
>> " E.g, if you installed the fonts in /usr/local/lib/grx/fonts add
>> " CCOPT += -DGRX_DEFAULT_FONT_PATH="/usr/local/lib/grx/fonts"
>> " to makedefs.gnu (Linux / GNU-make example)
>For Unix (optional): Put into your `.profile' something like:
> set GRX20DRV=xwin
> set GRXFONT=/usr/local/lib/grx/fonts
>... or whereever you have installed the GRX fonts.
Is it credible to put "/usr/src/grx-2.3.1/fonts"?
>> " 1) Go to GRX base dir and check the makefile and makedefs file
>> " for your system setup
>> " 2) Switch to src sub dir and check the makefile
>> What do you mean by check?
>> " 3) run make -f <your makefile>
>> " 4) if every thing worked fine go to <GRX base>/test, check the
>> " and build all test files / examples:
>> " make -f <your makefile>
>> Do I have here to put all the makefile.something?
>Under Linux with SVGAlib installed, you can also use:
> make -f makefile.lnx
I did this and the following message appears:
"make[1]:entering directory '/usr/src/grx-2.3.1/src'
gcc -c -06 -Wall -DLFB_BY_NEAR_POINTER -pipe -fomit-frame-pointer -I. -I.
/include -I /include -I .. /addons/printdraw/bitblt.c -o draw /bitblt.o
make[1] : gcc : command not found
make[1] : *** [draw/bitblt.o] Error 127
make[1] : leaving directory 'usr/src/grx-2.3.1/src'
make : *** [static_libs] error 2"
What I have to do now?