Already some time ago I wanted to
add support for GPC strings in GDB pascal extensions.
But when I tried to look at it I discovered that its changes
from the version I used at that time to a more recent one
(this was around a year ago or even more).
Are GPC strings now stable ?
I need some advice about the following:
This is what I got using gpc2953 for djgpp
I do understand the meaning of the two first fields
quite easily, but what is _p_schema_ ???
While is the length indicated as having 12 bytes
when apparently only 9 are used (is this just padding) ?
Most importantly, where are the chars ?
This the length of the stabs incorrect and a
variable just has the chars at the end of this kind of header
(as Free Pascal Ansistrings do) ? Or is the data
accessed via some pointer again.
What is the position in memory of the first char
of the string ? Is this value still susceptible to changes ?
.stabs "String:t(0,19)=s12Capacity:(0,4),0,32;length:(0,4),32,32;\\",128,0,0,0
I really need some feedback to be able to
enhance string support for GPC.