Hi, Frank, others!
Here is the first test I wrote using GPC manual's instructions for
writting randomized tests.
It concerns sets, since they have been a place where bugs appeared in the
past - even though Frank's implementation seems invariant to number of
bits ``MedCard'' type could have sometimes in the future.
BTW, there seems to be a need for something called a "random set" of data,
pehaps even with given ``Monte Carlo'' function, to get a different
distibution than uniform one.
The most plain random set could be the one with its MedCards initialized
with random numbers with probably 0.5 probability for each bit being set.
Having them initialized correctly is inefficient, and relying on internal
implementation that could change without prior notice can backfire - hence
IMHO it would be great to have a function like e.g.
RandomSet{,Uniform}(LBound, UBound)
Please consider this, IMHO right now it could be used for testing
purposes, yet probably other uses could be seen ...
All the best,
"I have a dream!" -- Martin Luther King Jr.
"You can't hold someone down ... without staying down with him."
-- Booker T. Washington