Hi, all!
When I do
gzip -cd <tbz2> | tar xvf -; cd ../p gcc-3.2.1;
cd builddir; /home/.../gcc-3.2.1/configure --enable-languages=pascal
w or w/o
It didn't say that it wants to apply patch, and it also didn't build gpc
in corresponding bin. I can't think of anything smart, I've done rm -rf
gcc-3.2.1; gzip -cd ...; gzip -cd ...; mv .../p ...; ...
several times, and I couldn't get to the point where it asked for >RETURN>
before applying the patch, neither it said it did.
Any idea?
Architecture is i686,
linux Debian woody,
make is GNU make 3.80,
"I have a dream!" -- Martin Luther King Jr.
"You can't hold someone down ... without staying down with him."
-- Booker T. Washington