P. George wrote:
i'm using gpc (on the commandline, not in mw) in os x. i need to call a carbon library function.
the following line doesn't work:
{$L /System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/A/Carbon}
when i try to compile with:
gpc testcarb.pas -o testcarb
... i get:
testcarb.pas:6: error: file `/System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/A/Carbon' must be compiled
not sure what that means or what i can do about it.
Not sure about the circumstances, but generally: Don't put paths in the source. I.e., use `{$L Carbon}' if that's the name of the library (i.e., `libCarbon.a' or so, depending on your system's naming convention which I don't know), and use options such as `-L /System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/A'.
Besides (hopefully) avoiding this problem, it will help others compile this file who may have set up their directories differently.