[bluebird:~/now/t] tds% /Developer/Pascal/gpc345u2/bin/gp test.p /usr/bin/ld: can't locate file for: -lSystemStubs collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
That is strange, on Mac OS X 10.4 libSystemStubs.a can be found in /usr/lib. But -- maybe they are installed as part of Xcode instead of the system software, did you install Xcode 2.x ?
I probably asked for everything when I installed OS X, but I don't recall. If you tell me exactly where to look and for what I will do that.
.. the ReadMe.rtf that came in the package is not the same /Developer/Pascal/README.rtf
Oh, I am really sorry you had to read two Readme files.
I'm sorry, my sarcosometer is broken. Are you being sarcastic?
They were not identical. Under Mac OSX case is ignored and when I moved one into the directory with the other, it was wiped out. So I reinstalled to check this.
Inside the package: -rw-rw-r-- 1 root admin 9378 Dec 23 16:56 README.rtf
Outside the package: -rw-rw-r-- 1 tds staff 9023 Dec 24 12:41 ReadMe.rtf
[bluebird:~/now/a] tds% diff README-inside.txt ReadMe-outside.txt 4c4 < The software package contains the GNU Pascal Compiler (gpc) version 3.4.5u2 for Mac OS X. Note that there are separate packages for ---
The software package contains the GNU Pascal Compiler (gpc) version 3.4.5u2 for Mac OS X.
6,10c6 < ⢠Mac OS 10.3 native PowerPC compiler < ⢠Mac OS 10.4 native and cross compilers for PowerPC and Intel < ⢠Mach-O Intel native and cross compilers for PowerPC and Intel < < DISCLAIMER. The Intel version of the software package was composed, built and tested on a standard PC running OpenDarwin8, using tools and software that are freely available on the internet. Due to Apple Non Disclosure Agreement restrictions, I can not reveal if the software actually builds, runs and installs on Intel Macs running Mac OS X 10.4. ---
This package is for Mac OS X 10.4 PowerPC only.
89c85 < Source code and a building scripts can be downloaded from ---
Source code and building scripts can be downloaded from
Dr. Thomas D. Schneider National Institutes of Health National Cancer Institute Center for Cancer Research Nanobiology Program Molecular Information Theory Group Frederick, Maryland 21702-1201 permanent email: (use only if first address fails)