On Mon, Feb 24, 2003 at 01:29:33PM +1300, Grant Jacobs wrote:
I got an warning message about underscores at the *end* of an identifier...! Does the standard ban that too???
Yes. Underscores can't occur at either beginning or end of an identifier, and two underscores can't be adjacent.
ISO 10206, 6.1.3:
identifier = letter { [ underscore ] ( letter | digit ) } .
Emil Jerabek
(I know this is more than a "little" unusual, but I had specific reason for this: easy "quick'n'dirty" search'n'replace, etc., for porting purposes.)
At 7:08 PM +0100 18/2/03, Frank Heckenbach wrote:
Adriaan van Os wrote:
I am writing a Pascal interface to an existing library (CarbonLib) that has underscores in some (only a few) of its symbol names. GPC issues a warning: identifiers should not start with an underscore. Before deciding to ignore the message or to change the name -- is there a special reason why identifiers should not start with underscores, except good use and general convention ?
Because the standard says so. (`-Wno-underscore' if you don't like that.)
-- Frank Heckenbach, frank@g-n-u.de, http://fjf.gnu.de/, 7977168E GPC To-Do list, latest features, fixed bugs: http://www.gnu-pascal.de/todo.html GPC download signing key: 51FF C1F0 1A77 C6C2 4482 4DDC 117A 9773 7F88 1707
Grant Jacobs Ph.D. BioinfoTools ph. +64 3 476 1820 (office, after 10am) PO Box 6129, or +64 25 601 5917 (mobile) Dunedin, gjacobs@bioinfotools.com NEW ZEALAND. Bioinformatics tools: deriving knowledge from biological data Bioinformatics tools - software development - consulting - training Check out the website for more details: http://www.bioinfotools.com
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