Florian Klaempfl wrote:
Frank Heckenbach schrieb:
However, I don't doubt that FPC works this way. I just pointed out that this doesn't conform to Pascal syntax rules (and that this doesn't matter for FPC),
It does, a standard isn't defined only by some bureaucrats but also by what people use
Yawn, not that again. The language Pascal was invented by Wirth and standardized very close to his language (contrary to common myth, which you seem to allude to -- the few differences between Wirth's Pascal and ISO 7185 are to clarify ambiguities and such; ISO 10206 is a different question, but that's OT here, since the case-insensitivity rule is the same there).
Many people (including Wirth himself, later), have created other languages, more or less similar to Pascal, and this doesn't change what Pascal is.
and I guess 99 per cent of the pascal langauage family programmers use Delphi styled Object Pascal so this narrows it down.
I guess your guess is wrong. Now what?
And FWIW, even Borland doesn't claim, AFAIK, that Delphi is Pascal, but intentionally calls its language Delphi. (Looking at their main Delphi index page, as returned by Google, it doesn't even contain the word "Pascal".)
and thus any well-defined (in the mathematical sense)
Only a closed system can follow mathematical rules
Anything in computer software (or algorithmic digital information processing) can be described mathematically, of course.