Hi, all,
Please don't hate me - while writting mirsad08.pas I came to this problem: line 14 with Boolean expression fails to compile (or I don't know Pascal syntax well enough). I reduced the example to the minimum at which problem still appears.
Changing ... AND (i<start OR i>endr) AND ... to ... AND ((i<start) OR (i<endr)) AND ... made it compile.
Here is the material: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
more mirsad13.pas
PROGRAM boolexp(output); { Written by: Mirsad Todorovac Nov 2001; copying by GPL. ------------------------------------------------------------ Accidentally discovered that this didn't compile. }
VAR flag: Boolean; extra: Boolean; i, start, endr: Cardinal;
IF (NOT extra AND (i<start OR i>endr) AND (flag = true)) THEN {!thisline!} BEGIN extra := true; END;
gpc mirsad13.pas
mirsad13.pas: In main program: mirsad13.pas:14: parse error before `>' mirsad13.pas:14: warning: expression used as a statement - value is ignored mirsad13.pas:14: warning: expression used as a statement - value is ignored mirsad13.pas:14: parse error before `)'
Best regards, Mirsad
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