"Robert P. Ewing" a écrit :
Hello, all
Thanks for the input. I'm getting very close now. I can compile taste.pas at the command line, but not within RHIDE. At the command line, I give gpc --automake -v -o taste.exe taste.pas -lgrx20 and it works fine.
Within RHIDE, I have set options/libraries #0 to [x] grx20, and also [x] Standard Libraries. The message window reads: Compiling c:/djgpp/contrib/grx232/pascal/taste.pas Ignoring Automake options '-I../contrib/grx232/include'; (Using automake options '-L../contrib/grx232/lib/dj2 -I../contrib/grx232/include') taste.pas: undefined reference to Init_grx20 ld returned 1 exit status There were some errors
It seems that you have inluded pathes into Options/Directories/Include and Option/Directories/Libraries. They are not necessary, so better remove them. Furthermore they are not correct pathes if you try to compile from within the c:\gpc\contrib\grx232\pascal directory, i.e. if you have not moved files out of their original position. To avoid stupid messages about automake options (the syntax for automake was changed sometimes ago in gpc, but not reflected in rhide) put the attached file rhide.env in the directory c:\gpc\share\rhide. There should be there a rhide_.env, not used, serving only for illustation purposes.
Then probably delete all *.o *.gpi *.exe files in the pascal directory, delete all the contents of c:\gpc\tmp and reboot, to start with a clean state. Especially if you have made many attempts many things may have been corrupted in windows: this is by no means a secure system.
How can I alter RHIDE to give me the full output (-v) on the message screen? That would give me more to work with.
The only way I know is to hit F5 (or click into the right hand corner) to maximize the message window. But I know no way of either folding lines or to copy /paste from this window
An aside for those (!) win9x experts out there: why is the PATH command in the autoexec.bat file ignored? I set path c:\djgpp;c:\djgpp\bin, but when I open a DOS shell and ask for the path, it is c:; c:\windows; c:\windows\command. (yes, I can feel linux in my future, but not at work :-( )
In autoexec.bat set e.g. PATH=c:\djgpp\bin;%PATH% to include the default pathes c:\WINDOWS;C:\WINDOWS\COMMAND when you switch to a dos box. Apparently if these pathes are not there W9x makes its own decision, which is not what you want.