Arcadio wrote:
Has the "Borland UNITs" problem been fixed with GPC yet? Or are we still stick with that rather nasty (IMHO of course) hack we had to do by #including the the UNIT file in any program we wished to use that unit?
I am just working on that problem and I'm pretty sure that it will be fixed in the next release. But please be patient since it is *hard* work and...
since being a student tends to eat up a lot of my time ... :-)
The last time I checked out your BO5 library, Peter, any program that used your Crt unit, I think, had to be set uid on the Linux platform 'cause it did direct screen writes. Is this still true? Or did you change it to use NCurses yet?
Use -D TERMCAP instead of -D LINUX and link the -ltermcap library. export CL_COLOR=YES in order to get ANSI colors.
Since I want to have BO5 being portable to *all* platforms including OS/2pm and Windoze, I want to avoid to rely on special libraries. I will probably use (S)VGALIB with Linux which is part of the operating system, but I will even try to avoid linking the termcap library in the next release since I have found computers where it is not installed (!).
Since I am rewriting kind of Turbo Vision (but with graphics mode, too) I actually won't need something like ncurses. When my progress on BO5 is so slow, this has (almost) no technical reasons but it's a question of time. Currently, I am hacking around in the interior of GPC, in programs I want to sell, and in my dissertation thesis in physics.
I've already written a Crt-like MODULE for Gardens Point Modula-2 compiler which are SLang-based. Shouldn't be too hard to convert over to GPC. That is ... if anybody is interested ...
Since my BO5 will take some time to become really useful, I think that everything which replaces CRT etc. is highly welcome by the GPC users, even if it is not portable to all platforms.
But once more: I have free sources of CRT, Graph, etc. ... I don't want to port them myself because I think it is more important that I work on the compiler itself and on BO5.
Yeah .. it shouldn't be too hard to implement Printer ... it seems rather straight forward to me.
Here is the DOS version:
Unit Printer;
uses Tools; (* we need Assign *)
Var lst: Text;
to begin do (* Extended Pascal initializers and finalizers *) begin Assign ( lst, 'prn' ); rewrite ( lst ); end (* to begin *)
to end do close ( lst );
I didn't test it, but it should work. (-: Now it's your turn to make it portable. ;-)
However, like the other guy said, certain things in Borland Pascal only make sense under DOS (like the Mem[] variable and ABSOLUTE variables).
Absolute variables *make* sense not only under DOS when you use them instead of variant records to convert data. Look into the Tools Unit from BO5 for examples. (Yes, GPC has "absolute".)
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dipl. Phys. Peter Gerwinski Fachbereich Physik Universitaet-GH Essen Phone: +49-201-183-2763 D-45117 Essen Fax: +49-201-183-2120 Germany e-mail: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------