[bluebird:~/now/t] tds% /Developer/Pascal/gpc345u2/bin/gp test.p /usr/bin/ld: can't locate file for: -lSystemStubs collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
That is strange, on Mac OS X 10.4 libSystemStubs.a can be found in /usr/lib. But -- maybe they are installed as part of Xcode instead of the system software, did you install Xcode 2.x ?
I probably asked for everything when I installed OS X, but I don't recall. If you tell me exactly where to look and for what I will do that.
The critical file is /usr/lib/libSystemStubs.a.
There is no such file.
[bluebird:/usr/lib] tds% pwd /usr/lib [bluebird:/usr/lib] tds% ls libS* libSaturn.a libSystem.B_profile.dylib* libSaturn.dylib* libSystem.dylib@ libSystem.B.dylib* libSystem_debug.dylib@ libSystem.B_debug.dylib* libSystem_profile.dylib@
To find a solution, again my question: has Xcode 2.x been installed on that machine ?
Again my puzzlement: I don't know what to look for. Please tell me *exactly* how to determine this. What command(s) should I type? What places in the file system should I go to to look for exactly what files? (For example, do you know if there is a Boogeyman program on your machine? Where would you look if you never heard of a Boogeyman? Where would you look if you *had* heard of a Boogeyman but didn't know where it was?)
If not, has Xcode 1.x been installed on that machine ?
See above.
'Help' is, as usual on the Mac, pretty useless.
google Xcode download "Xcode Tools 2.2" requires ADC Member Log In which I did not do. I don't know if this is a distraction or a help because I don't know what's on my machine at the moment. Nothing called X(anything) under /Applications; only under /Applications/utilities.
If not, has the assmbler/linker from my website been installed ?
Which README is the more recent one? Are the suppposed to be different?
Anyway, neither README seems to say I SHOULD have installed xcode ...
Dr. Thomas D. Schneider National Institutes of Health National Cancer Institute Center for Cancer Research Nanobiology Program Molecular Information Theory Group Frederick, Maryland 21702-1201 permanent email: (use only if first address fails)