If getcwd is the only error you get, we can add an autoconf check for it (just as we do for almost all other Unix-specific functions that we use).
For a quick check if it's the only problem, you can try adding
#define getcwd(buf, size) NULL
in p/rts/rts.c (e.g., in line 215). (But if there were other errors that you trimmed in your mail, I might have to see them to tell if it's worth checking for all of those things.)
Ok, I'll do a try ASAP. Stay tuned! ^_^
Thanks to all!
-- Frank Heckenbach, frank@g-n-u.de, http://fjf.gnu.de/, 7977168E GPC To-Do list, latest features, fixed bugs: http://www.gnu-pascal.de/todo.html GPC download signing key: ACB3 79B2 7EB2 B7A7 EFDE D101 CD02 4C9D 0FE0