No, no... First, it's sliced bread, then caffeine, then GNU/Linux. If this a2dll beast has a GNU/Linux equivalent (a2so?), then I'll consider it a far fourth.
I actually did not use a2dll for the final stuff - I used Waldek's alternative. With respect to Linux, this is what Waldek had to say on 7 March:
The size may be much smaller if the runtime is made into shared library (dll). On Linux this is very simple: Copy libgpc.a to a working directory ar x libgpc.a gcc -shared *.o -o
Then may be used in place of libgpc.a. In principle
A one-liner can do the trick also:
ld -o /usr/local/lib/atlas/ -shared --whole-archive \ -export-dynamic lib/Linux_ATHLONSSE1/liblapack.a
So ld can function as `a2so`
Marten Jan
My 0.02 euro ... Rumours are that the 1 and 2 eurocent coins are to disappear, and prices will be rounded. Guess what my contributions then will be ;-)