I normally do my programming with Free Pascal. But I wanted to give GNU Pascal a try again.
Well I don't have any problems under GNU/Linux anymore, but the version for MinGW makes trouble with the CRT unit. I have installed PDCurses 2.6-2 for MinGW.
Programs using the CRT unit do compile and the output stuff is all okay, but the input doesn't work as it should.
On most keypresses ReadKey just returns #0+#255, just occasionly it returns the correct keycode.
ReadLn also behaves strange: It takes and displays the entered text correctly, but when I press the Enter-key, it just displays a musical note (the character of #13). When I repeat typing the Enter key, then at some point it is accepted. But the input string still has all the other #13's at its end.
Is GPC for MSYS better? Why is there a separate version anyway? I mean, MSYS belongs to MinGW, isn't it?
I've seen, that GPC still doesn't support "{$AppType GUI}" or "{$AppType Console}". That's an extension comming from Delphi. Free Pascal supports it on the Windows and the Amiga platform. I found out, that in GPC they correspond to the linker-parameters "-mwindows" or "-mconsole". But it would be nicer to have it in the source code.