Maurice Lombardi wrote:
Since at least three monthes a bug pops in and pops out in an erratic way while running dostest.bat after a new compilation of a gpc snapshot under djgpp-2.95.2 (nothing to do with the recent discussion about 2.95.3: I have reverted to 2.95.2). It is in one or both of the test programs nicola1.pas and/or nicola2.pas. On the screen (and in the make.out logfile) I have:
Well, both of these test programs are `WRONG' which means they detect if GPC recognizes a bug in the program correctly. Of course, segfaulting is not a very nice way of signalling a program error, but it's still better than segfaulting on a correct program.
To put it bluntly, Peter is way too busy with other stuff, and there are so many urgent "real" bugs to fix and features to implement, so you probably can just forget about such a "peripheral" problem being solved anytime soon.
I'll move the two test programs to knownbugs/ so they won't disturb the test suite, that's all I can do...