Hi everyone,
GPC version 20020426, the release candidate #7 for GPC 2.1, has been uploaded to http://www.gnu-pascal.de/current/gpc-20020426.tar.gz
A diff against RC 6 can be found at http://www.gnu-pascal.de/current/gpc-20020410-20020426.diff.gz
The problem when building GPC with `-pipe' (reported by George Shapovalov) is now really fixed (hopefully).
A runtime error on `EOLn' when a text file does not end in a newline (reported by Emil Jerabek), an error when declaring a forward pointer to an overwritten type of name `Word' (reported by Carel Fellinger), and a bug with packed array types declared in units (reported by Martin Liddle) have been fixed.
The GMP unit now also supports version 4 of the GMP library. The (Delphi compatible) procedures `Initialize' and `Finalize' have been implemented.
The GPC homepage is now also available in Croatian (http://www.gnu-pascal.de/index-hr.html).