Adriaan van Os wrote:
Paul Davidson wrote:
Looking for thread units for Gnu Pascal. Do any exits? (Next on wish list are: ncurses that actually works on Mac OS X and some MySQL units as well).
For "Carbon" applications, there is a Threads.pas unit the GPC port of Apple's Pascal Interfaces.
The threads in Threads.pas are cooperatively scheduled threads. For preemptory scheduled threads functionality, the multiprocessing tasks from the Multiprocessing.pas unit provide that functionality. The Multiprocessing.pas unit is also available in the GPC port of Apple's Pascal Interfaces. (The task versus thread nomenclature is mostly due to Apple's need to distinguish legacy 68K thread capabilities from PPC capabilities.)
On Mac OS X, Multiprocessing.pas's tasks are just implementation layered on top of the Mach threads implementation. (So are Threads.pas's cooperative threads and POSIX pthreads.) Whether one uses Threads.pas's threads, Multiprocessing.pas's tasks, some (unknown availability) POSIX pthread.pas's pthreads, or some (unknown availability) MachThread.pas's Mach threads depends upon the desired functionality and the layer hooks one needs to have access to.
For non "Carbon" applications, posix "pthreads" are expected to work with GPC on Mac OS X. A good place for help on pthreads and ncurses is
Apple also has a Technical Note which helps sort out the various threading architectures available on Mac OS X. It is Technical Note, TN2028, "Threading Architectures",
Gale Paeper