On Tue, Aug 3, 2010 at 4:49 AM, Kevan Hashemi hashemi@brandeis.edu wrote:
I guarantee you that's the case for me. I read through Bison and I liked it very much, and I am thoroughly convinced of its merit by your ^C example. But my first look through the Bison manual page suggested that the output was a C program that we would then compile and link to, which means that at least part of our Pascal compiler would be written in C.
There a software very similar to Bison written in Pascal for Pascal Applications. It is called plex / pyacc and included in Free Pascal. Here is one project which uses it:
And here I started documenting it in our wiki:
Unfortunately I lost my previous example app which used plex and pyacc in a HD crash. I tryed to reconstitute it in the wiki, but it doesn't work, but this simple example should already help a lot more then no small example for someone using plex and pyacc.
A team could use that and also improve plex / pyacc to build a compiler.