Karl-Michael Schindler wrote:
I am interested in the graph unit and therefore gave grx a short try.
After some problems I started with: ./configure --target=X11 --enable-gpc
Then a problem showed up related to bigendian-littleendian. The file byteorder.h was missing in my sys directory. I found one deep down in the sources of gcc and used it by symlinking it. The next error came with grx20.h (which to my understanding is the first file to be processed): "Your system is not supported" I found the position and added according defines so that it assumes unix and X11. But this still didn't do the job and I got completely lost in all the files and defines and I don't know what. So, I finally gave up on it.
Since these issues are more related to GRX than to GPC, you might rather want to ask on the GRX mailing list grx@gnu.de.