David James wrote:
In message Pine.LNX.4.21.0011240232590.265-100000@rusty.russwhit.com Russ Whitaker writes:
suggestion: a script to take a snapshot of the /proc filesystem so you can find what's growing
take a look at dir /proc and cat /proc/<ID>/status or cat /proc/<ID>/maps
The application has been running for some 21 hours now, and I've been taking occasional snapshots both of status and maps.
status shows VmSize and VmRSS growing.
maps shows the end of the rwxp region that starts at 08171000 growing - can I deduce anything more from this? (for example is it likely to be Pascal heap space or something else?).
Yes, most likely heap.
Any further suggestions will be gratefully received ...
As I said, tracing the caller addresses for Pascal heap allocations seems possible (of course, at the cost of a slightly increased run time and memory usage). If you're interested, let me know...