Hello. I've object Pascal source codes I would like to translate in Ada. Though newP2Ada translator does good job for standard Pascal, it isn't object aware. Thus I've created objP2Ada, a new branch, which can parse object Pascal syntax. http://sourceforge.net/projects/p2ada
But some nice features work partially as the parser has some limitations.
What about to produce Ada code with modified gpc? Is there some interested people in helping gpc modification?
I've got gpc source codes for Mac from http://www.microbizz.nl/gpc.html. Thanks to perfect building script from Adriaan, I was able to build completely gpc on Mac OS X 10.6.
I've some ideas for translation of Pascal structures from my experience with objP2Ada. What would be the next steps with gpc?
Regards, Pascal. http://blady.pagesperso-orange.fr