Greeting all!
About 4 years ago, I wrote several units for GPC. There were some BP5-7 compatibility units and few wrapper units for Panels, MySql, SoundIT and others. The BP stuff was almost complete, with panel support included with the CRT units (message box like).
This was a work in progress that had functioned perfectly... with the version of GPC that was alive in '97 :) All of this source was deleted, and I had no other copies of it... until last week when, by chance, the ISP that I was using (way) back then called me. They were cleaning off old backups and noticed that I still had source files on their server. Lucky for me the president of that company is a GPC fan, and decided to save this file off for me!
Now for the point of all of this.
My intention was to upgrade all of these units to work with the newest version of GPC. My problem is that the company I work for now does not (yet :)) want to provide any GNUish code for the public and has (sadly) decided to move everything over to Borland's Kylix..
These units were always meant to be released to the GNU community, and I believe that it would be a shame to let them go again..
IF anyone is interested in learning about GPC and Pascal, I believe that this could be a good resource for it. This code will not compile under the current version of GPC, but all of it could be easily upgraded. It's mostly a problem with types like _cstring and such.
For now, I will place it on and if there is any interest in this source at all, I will place it on the agnes server. There is no real site here as I have lost interest in designing anything for it and since I can never seem to get anonymous FTP working with my server, you will need to get this with your browser.. Sorry about that.
**PETER. I have lost my ftp password for the psharp account on agnes. I don't know if you keep records of this stuff, but you know me as and also from some of the programs in the test suites (some of the string tests). Is this something that you can email to me??
Patrick Sharp Community Webs Inc. 7211 So. Colorado CT. Littleton CO, 80122