Well you are in luck. GPC is such a compiler, and it is available on many platforms. You mentioned earlier some minor compatibility problems with Prospero EP. You might want to provide details of these to Peter, to see if he can do anything about it.
I agree, and ofcourse I will contribute. But at this momen twe are just investigating, and I am busy with other jobs. As soon as I start, I will log everything and try to provide some good documenation. Right now I just know to less.
The advantage of Gtk, AFAICS is that the libraries can be linked directly with GPC programs, without any fuss. This becomes significant when you are thinking of possibly porting your application to other platforms apart from the one that you currently have in mind. There is of course nothing stopping anyone from providing OOP wrappers (either in C++ or Pascal) for the Gtk functions.
I agree again, although the structure of QT looks more promising to me (just because I like C++). But the extern "C" {} declaration which is necessary to link it with other languages such as C, is very well possible, but it does not make a source nice and clean to read. In fact it is quite messy IMO. Also the dependance of trolltech and their moc preprocessor may be dangerous.
Best regards, The Chief
Prof. Abimbola A. Olowofoyeku (The African Chief) Author of: Chief's Installer Pro v5.22.1 for Win32 http://www.bigfoot.com/~African_Chief/chief32.htm Email: African_Chief@bigfoot.com