So, what's best now, "varying capitalisation", "varying capitals", "mismatched caps"?
"varying capitalisation" would be my choice "varying letter-cases" may be clearer, and it avoids the ambiguity on "cases" that started the discussion
Keep it short. Maybe "varying id letter case: <oldid> <thisid>"?
Perhaps "mismatched <oldid> <thisid>"?
It has to be CLEAR which means things like 'caps' won't do because it is not obvious that this is an abbreviation.
How about straightforward English:
The capitalization of the definition <original> does not match <current>.
or more tightly:
Capitalization of definition <original> does not match <current>.
This way there would be no question as to what the message means. I think that a few extra bytes for clarity is worthwhile.
Dr. Thomas D. Schneider National Cancer Institute Laboratory of Experimental and Computational Biology Frederick, Maryland 21702-1201 permanent email: (use only if first address fails)