Frank Heckenbach wrote:
Emil Jerabek wrote:
Your change doesn't solve this, it just reduces the threshold to EpsReal^2 > 4 / MaxReal. (BTW, the original implementation in math.pas also needs a similar condition.)
Frank, do you _really_ think there are machines with such a small MaxReal?
It doesn't really matter what I think, does it? ;-) Actually, I haven't looked at any non-IEEE FP implementation in detail.
I'm applying Joe's patch (since it's certainly a little improvement). If you have more ideas for improvement, let me know.
So, here's another version :-) It should never overflow, AFAICS.
------------------------------- const Ln2 = 0.6931471805599453094172321214581765680755; var FunnyNumber: Real;
function Complex_ArcTan (z: Complex): Complex; var x, y, a, b, c, d: Real; begin x := Abs (Re (z)); y := Abs (Im (z)); b := 1 - y; d := (1 + y) / 2; if b < 0 then d := -d; b := Abs (b); if x >= b then begin c := b / x; d := d * c - x / 2; if x <= FunnyNumber then b := Ln2 - Ln (4 * x * Sqrt (1 + Sqr (c)) / (1 + y)) / 2 else b := Log1P (2 * (y / x) / (b * c / 2 + x / 2)) / 4; c := 1; end else begin c := x / b; a := x * c / 2; d := d - a; if b <= FunnyNumber then b := Ln2 - Ln (4 * b * Sqrt (1 + Sqr (c)) / (1 + y)) / 2 else b := Log1P (2 * (y / b) / (b / 2 + a)) / 4 end; d := ArcTan2 (c, d) / 2; if Re (z) < 0 then d := -d; if Im (z) < 0 then b := -b; Complex_ArcTan := Cmplx (d, b) end;
to begin do begin FunnyNumber := 2.1 / Sqrt (MaxReal); end; ------------------------------------
I encountered a compiler bug during testing :-( Strictly speaking, the Standard doesn't allow function calls in constant expressions, but I expect the compiler would reject it if it were not supposed to work.
[pas]% cat exprconst.pas program Foo (Output);
const Bar = 1 / Sqrt (16);
var OK: Boolean value True; S: String (30);
procedure Baz (X: Integer); var Y: Real; E: Integer; begin if Odd (X) then WriteStr (S, Bar) else WriteStr (S, Bar); Val (S, Y, E); if (E <> 0) or (Y <> 0.25) then begin WriteLn ('Failed ', X, ': ', S); OK := False end end;
begin Baz (0); Baz (1); Baz (2); Baz (3); if OK then WriteLn ('OK') end. [pas]% gpc exprconst.pas [pas]% ./a.out Failed 0: 4.609351182172047e-01 [pas]% gpc -O2 exprconst.pas [pas]% ./a.out Failed 0: Inf Failed 2: Inf
I also wondered if the compiler catches this as a violation of the standard when compiled with `--extended-pascal' or `-pedantic'. It compiled happily with the former (when I replaced `Val' with `ReadStr', of course), but the result with `-pedantic' was somewhat surprising. It seems that even the wheel was invented in San Diego :-) (Apart from that, shouldn't it produce warnings rather than errors?)
[pas]% gpc -pedantic exprconst.pas exprconst.pas:4: `SqRt' is a UCSD Pascal extension exprconst.pas:7: type/var initialization is an ISO 10206 Extended Pascal extension exprconst.pas:8: UCSD and Borland Pascal want string capacity in brackets exprconst.pas:8: ISO 7185 Pascal does not have the `String' type exprconst.pas: In procedure `Baz': exprconst.pas:15: `Odd' is a UCSD Pascal extension exprconst.pas:15: `WriteStr' is an ISO 10206 Extended Pascal extension exprconst.pas:15: `WriteStr' is an ISO 10206 Extended Pascal extension exprconst.pas:16: `WriteStr' is an ISO 10206 Extended Pascal extension exprconst.pas:16: `WriteStr' is an ISO 10206 Extended Pascal extension exprconst.pas:17: `Val' is a Borland Pascal extension exprconst.pas:17: `Val' is a Borland Pascal extension exprconst.pas:19: `WriteLn' is a UCSD Pascal extension exprconst.pas: In main program: exprconst.pas:29: `WriteLn' is a UCSD Pascal extension
Emil Jerabek