We have some software written in gpc that uses ncurses and panel for screen output. Mainly for historical reasons we have our own GPC to C interface unit. All this worked at RedHat Linux 6.1. We have recently upgraded to RedHat 6.2 and it no longer works. The cursor sits somewhere in the bottom line of the screen (which is defined as a panel of height 1 line).
The change that I suspect is significant between RedHat 6.1 and RedHat 6.2 is that 6.1 used ncurses 4.2 and 6.2 uses ncurses 5.0. I am afraid my knowledge of C is pretty much zero. However by using diff on the header files I only see one change that looks as though it might matter. In panel.h from ncurses 4.2 the definition is:
extern PANEL *new_panel(WINDOW *)
the corresponding ncurses 5.0 definition is
extern PANEL* new_panel(WINDOW *)
Our interface unit has
function new_panel(win:WINDOW_PTR):PANEL_PTR; C_language;
Is this correct for ncurses 5.0? Has anybody else had any problems with ncurses 5.0?