Le 25 nov. 2012 à 15:13, Prof A Olowofoyeku (The African Chief) a écrit :
On 25 Nov 2012 at 12:13, Baudouin Le Charlier wrote:
It seems that {$I-} is not enough to disable the automatic handling of IO errors.
I doesn't disable error checking. It just stops it from automatically terminating the program immediately it encounters an I/O error.
Well, in fact, it does not stop it : (compiled with {$I-})
$ gp lireToto.pas $ ./lireToto c = a ; ord(c) = 97 i = -12 s = lulu x = 1.345000000000000e+00 c = ; ord(c) = 32 x = 1.000000000000000e+00 s = a ./lireToto: attempt to read past end of file `toto.txt' (error #454 at 1f53) Trace/BPT trap $ more toto.txt a -12lulu
1.345 45 1a $
Baudouin Le Charlier