Capitalization of definition <original> does not match <current>.
"Definition" is generally not correct, since it can also be an applied occurrence of an identifier.
Thanks, I suspected that wasn't the right term!
I'd prefer to have it in two lines, so the file names/line numbers can refer to both points of usage. But breaking a sentence in such a way, with a (generally) different line number in between, might be confusing. So I'd then suggest something like:
foo.pas:42: capitalization of identifier <current> does not match previous one foo.pas:17: previous capitalization <original>
foo.pas:42: msimatched capitalization of identifier <current> foo.pas:17: previous capitalization <original>
1. mismatched :-)
2. I find this use of the term 'mismatched' to be confusing. Line 42 does not stand by itself. Mismatched to what? Oh, that. It doesn't flow in logical order.
3. It's a bit confusing if you read it rapidly in one go and think it is one sentence.
So I think the other example is better:
foo.pas:42: capitalization of identifier <current> does not match previous one foo.pas:17: previous capitalization <original>
A tiny bit of punctuation would help:
foo.pas:42: Capitalization of identifier "<current>" doesn't match original one. foo.pas:17: The original capitalization is "<original>".
Note that I substituted 'original' throughout for clarity. (Surely you don't mean the *previous* one - the one that just preceeded? In that case it would yell for the third item in this series: Knifefish ... KnifeFish ... Knifefish. I would think it should only object to the second one.)
Ok, now to tighten the screws and make is it shorter:
foo.pas:42: Identifier "<current>" capitalization doesn't match original. foo.pas:17: The original capitalization is "<original>".
foo.pas:42: Identifier "KnifeFish" capitalization doesn't match original. foo.pas:17: The original capitalization is "Knifefish".
Dr. Thomas D. Schneider National Cancer Institute Laboratory of Experimental and Computational Biology Frederick, Maryland 21702-1201 permanent email: (use only if first address fails)