On Sun, 21 Dec 2008, Yang Lao wrote:
Please do not do this. The Linux Standard Base exists in order to avoid this situation.
Nevertheless, not all distros use RPM, nor is it likely to be the case in the near future. It therefore makes sense to distribute Debian and Slackware packages in addition to RPMs even if LSB dictates otherwise.
--------------------------| John L. Ries | Salford Systems | Phone: (619)543-8880 x107 | or (435)867-8885 | --------------------------|
On Sun, Dec 21, 2008 at 4:08 AM, Mario Fetka mario.fetka@gmail.com wrote:
my suggestion is to setup the version controllsystem on gnu-pascal.de and a bugtracker if needed mailinglist already exists my second suggestion is to create repositories for the different os's on gnu-pascal.de for ex: packages.gnu-pascal.de/deb for debian/ubuntu packages.gnu-pascal.de/mandriva packages.gnu-pascal.de/fedora packages.gnu-pascal.de/suse just my 2 euro Cent Mario