Frank Heckenbach wrote:
Forwarded from: (Marco van de Voort)
In gmane.comp.compilers.gpc, you wrote:
FPC is a like Delphi, but since it supports the TP libs (Delphi doesn't), there is some use, also in the textmode IDE. Also the compiler and utils itself originally used shortstrings. However we are moving away from that for some time now (already since 2000).
Well, I used BP myself long time ago, ......... was nothing much to be changed (except for sometimes declaring a bigger maximum size :-).
I had similar experiences with my own codebases, because they were already abstracted for string usage since they were ported back from Modula2 before.
I think we're talking about two diffrent things. Of course, with abstracted string access, you can change to any model rather easily. What I meant was that BP short strings and EP long strings are mostly source-level compatible (expcept for "[0]" and such things), so even with non-abstracted code (such as most of mine), changing is quite easy.
However in my experience, there only is a small fraction of existing codebases that is that clean. See e.g. the average level of filth in SWAG.
Haven't looked at SWAG for quite a while. Do people still write a new CRT replacement unit every week? ;-) Well, I guess in some cases, even "[0]" is so abundant to make it painful (or probably even more dirty tricks relying on the memory layout are not uncommon) ...
Correct. However EP now has this static type. And FPC also has one, reasonably transparant. The point is more that it is not worth to invest in a second one unless there are very good reasons (and the current mac pascal discussion is one for GPC IMHO)
Yes, I think so.
In practice this means auto conversion by assignment and passing to value parameters. FPC/Delphi do this already.
We do that for CStrings, so most of the time we can avoid using CStrings in Pascal code this way. An automatic back-conversion (e.g., for function results) also seems possible, though we don't do that yet. Real reference parameters would be a problem, both they are rarely needed (I suppose, also WRT short strings in Mac OS).
Similarly with FPC/Delphi and ansistrings <->pchars. Btw, function results are handled by the conversion?
No, for CString function results, one needs to write CString2String in order to use them as Pascal strings. But we might do this automatically (optionally) in the future.
I meant these conversions as additional to the BP featureset, to interoperate with your own string type. And afaik they already have some workarounds like that using the records and some operator overloading? (Peter?)
Yes, AFAIK. Of course, when we build in a short string type, we need at least automatic conversions from/to the other supported Pascal string types.
I don't think you can do without full support. Specially the "open array" string compat is too important to leave out (more important than the ref thing), because this is the main way to have generic shortstring string routines.
For binary-level BP compatibility, sure. But as I said, when source compatibility suffices, one can just use EP strings there, because EP schematic parameters (i.e., simply "String") behave mostly like BP open-string parameters (which are also declared simply "String", with a compiler directive that can simply be ignored or omitted in GPC).
For Mac OS, AIUI it's about OS interfaces, and so far I haven't heard they need open strings there.
But I'll probably still go for the full solution anyway.
I hope so. OTOH, I've seen in the past a lot of BP programmers use CStrings (i.e., "PChar") throughout in their Pascal code, after they were added to BP (version 6 or 7), probably also because of Borland's marketing them as the next big thing.
I think more that it was the only way to get around the size limits.
Yes, it was (except hand-made). But since Borland wrote the compiler, they could have provided another way. ;-)
But there certainly was a bit of a myth in TP times that pchars were faster, partially also because they were from "C".
There was some truth in that (shortstrings copy too much), and carefully crafted code could be better, but the speed advantage was vastly exagerated, specially compared with the fact that it was way easier to do anything wrong with pchars, and complex string code was way more work.
Agreed. Though properly crafted code can usually avoid unnecessary copying with short strings and EP strings as well. (One can always use pointers to strings, which of course, open up possibilities for memory leaks, but not most other problems CString have.)
The problems were that the emerging 32-bit C compilers BP was compared to were simply faster because they optimized and were 32-bit (using a 32-bit move() routine for their copies), and BP was a codegenerator from yesteryear.
Of course, such comparisons are rubbish.
(I admit I almost fell for it myself, but when I saw the drawbacks, I converted back to short strings what I had changed to CStrings already, fortunately, so I could easily convert the code to EP strings with GPC later.)
I mostly used shortstrings in that time and pchars only to break that limit if needed. However when that really got important, because the path sizes exploded, I was already using FPC and ansistrings were stable.
s/FPC/GPC/;s/"ansistrings"/EP strings/ Me too.
PS: I'll be out of town for a while. I'll probably have occasional email access, but I may not take part in this discussion further. I think the important points have been said.