Luis Rivera wrote:
On 22 May 2010 03:19, Maurice Lombardi wrote:
Luis Rivera a écrit :
program FindFilesTest;
uses GPC, FileUtils;
type  alphafile=text; var  nameoffile: string;  filename: alphafile; const  mydir='/usr/local/';
function aopenin(var a:alphafile):boolean; begin if ioresult=0 then assign(a,trim(nameoffile)); findfiles(mydir,a,false,reset,nil); aopenin:=ioresult=0; end;
begin WriteLn ('Enter file name to type: '); ReadLn (nameoffile); if aopenin(alphafile) then
[...] Declaring the text file as filename is very confusing: this is certainly the source of your errors: you confuse a file and its name.
- a is a file, not a string (Mask)
mydir is a string (the name of the directory to search in)
He talked about "a", not "mydir".
- reset has for parameter a file, not a string.
So it expects the string containing the filename...
... and the file, so it does not match TStringProc (even if Reset was a regular procedure, which it isn't for several reasons, so it can't be used as a procedural parameter anyway).
Changing the naming conventions, trying to avoid confusing the FileName (string) with the FileContents (text), I may do the following:
program AtBat;
uses GPC, FileUtils;
 type  alphafile=text;  var  filename: string;  filecontents: alphafile;  const  mydir='/usr/local/';
 function aopenin(var a:alphafile):boolean;  var f:string;  begin if ioresult=0 then  f:=trim(filename);  assign(a,f);  findfiles(mydir,f,false,reset,nil);  aopenin:=ioresult=0;  end;
 begin  WriteLn ('Enter file name to type: ');  ReadLn (filename);  if aopenin(filecontents) then  WriteLn(filename, ' found!') else  Writeln('Sorry: search failed!'); end.
However, I still get the same error message...
BTW: a simple, sensible way to state "DoNothing" as DirAction?
You might want to declare a FileAction procedure with a string parameter (nameoffile): probably you would include in it the assign which is before findfiles in your program and the reset
That's what I just tried to do! :-)
Please read more carefully what he wrote (see above), otherwise people here might not be willing to help you in the future:
You might want to declare a FileAction procedure
(which obviously means a procedure to be used for the FileAction parameter)
You did not do this, you still try to pass "Reset" here.
with a string parameter (nameoffile):
You did not do this either. You did not declare a procedure at all (and the only function you declare does not have a string parameter, but a file parameter, and is not for "FileAction" anyway).
probably you would include in it the assign which is before findfiles in your program and the reset
"In it" means in the FileAction procedure. You try to do the "Assign" before calling FindFiles. How should this work? You cannot assign the filename before you have found it. (What you'd do is to assign the filename as typed by the user, but if the file is in a subdirectory, you don't get the directory, because you haven't searched it yet.)
Notice that if there are multiple files found, you will have an error because you then try to reopen a file (a) which has not been closed: findfiles apply FileAction on all files which match Mask.
Maybe I can get around that problem defining the FileAction procedure in such a way that wildcards are forbidden...
You still could have several files with the same name in different directories.
If you only care for any file found, I'd suggest to write a FileAction procedure that stores the file name in a (global) string variable. (If multiple files are found, the last one will be stored eventually.) Then after FindFiles returns (not in the FileAction procedure), assign the file to the name in thie variable.
If you initialize the variable with an empty string, you can check this way if the file was not found. Checking for IOResult is not a valid check for file not found -- if there is no file, FindFiles will simply not call FileAction, but not set an error code.
I do. However, one thing that bothers me is that the sample code at findfilesdemo.pas mentioned earlier in this thread includes the line
 FindFiles (DirSelf, '*.{pas,p,pp,dpr}', False, DoOutput, nil);
as an example. Now I wonder why it compiles and runs if nil shouldn't match.
In fact, GPC allows "nil" for procedural parameters (if the called routine expects it, which FindFiles explicitly does, as described in its comment).