Randy Latimer wrote:
I've just built your package and have a possible bug report. Of course, this may be a RTFM isuue, but I felt I should offer this report none the less.
Synopsis: When installing the package, the install of the units, docs, and demos causes fatal make errors.
Detailed descripion:
Download date: 20 Mar 2000 Download site: ftp://agnes.dida.physik.uni-essen.de/gnu-pascal/current/ Package: gpc-19990118.tar.gz
Build platform: Sun Solaris 2.7 GNU 'make' version: 3.78.1 GNU 'patch' version: 2.5.4
There is a newer alpha GPC release, which builds less painfull on Solaris. I had problems due to bash extensions used in Makefile-s.
Besides, there are Solaris binaries in pkgadd form to download at:
http://math.uwb.edu.pl/download ftp://mizar.uwb.edu.pl/pub/misc
Hope this helps