Optimally, the complete source of the program (if it's large, not posted to the list, but perhaps put on a web site) and instructions how to reproduce the bug.
You can find the complete source code at ftp://ftp.dfd.dlr.de/put/eicksch/GPC/antdb.pas The core dump happens some where around line 520. The file processed is "./sp21_22/ROCK00.E00", name1 is "sp21_22", kbd is "."
The output is like that:
---- snip ----------------------------------------------- ROCK00.AAT gefunden, anzparam = 14, lds = 224, anzds = 1802 ... Suche PAT suchstr = ROCK00.PAT ls = 10 (...) -2.4382450E+06 1.5352708E+06-2.4382450E+06 1.5352708E+06 -2.4382450E+06 1.5352708E+06-2.4382450E+06 1.5352708E+06 31269 806-2.5239723E+06 1.5353111E+06 Segmentation fault (core dumped) ---- snap -----------------------------------------------
So I searched for the line which causes the core dump:
grep -n 31269 sp21_22/ROCK00.E00
29874: 31269 806-2.5239723E+06 1.5353111E+06 42988: 5.7757500E+04 9.5319818E+02 806 31269rocks
and I searched for the line containing "suchstr":
grep -n ROCK00.PAT sp21_22/ROCK00.E00
42177:ROCK00.PAT XX 5 5 26 1245
ls -l sp21_22/ROCK00.E00
-rw-r--r-x 1 eicksch GFZ 2323977 Jul 11 2000 sp21_22/ROCK00.E00
If that's not possible, you could try to reduce the program to a simple and as short as possible program that still shows the bug. In this process, maybe you will find the cause of the problem in the program, or reduce it to a short case that help us find and fix a bug in GPC, if any.
If 60 lines are not too much: You will find an excerpt from the source code - including declarations and the 20 lines around the malicious code - at the end of mail.
You might also want to look at the chapter about BP in the GPC manual.
I will have a look at it...