-----Original Message----- Date: Fri, 27 Nov 2009 05:16:02 +0100 Subject: Re: GPC installation on Intel 64 bit CPU, make fails From: Waldek Hebisch hebisch@math.uni.wroc.pl To: gpc@gnu.de
Ernst-Ludwig Bohnen wrote:
I am trying to install GPC (gpc-20060325, based on gcc-core-3.4.4) on a PC with Intel-Xeon 64 bit CPU and openSUSE 11.2. Make ends up with some mystical error lines, see below.
Any suggestions? Ernst-Ludwig
..../configure --enable-languages=pascal --prefix=/usr/gnu <RET>
..../make <RET>
I would suggest the following:
..../configure --enable-languages=pascal --prefix=/usr/gnu
..../make bootstrap
ATM gpc does not support multilibs, ommiting '--disable-multilib' may cause trouble. Â The second thing is 'make bootstrap': using gcc-3.4.x plain make is safe only if your installed gcc is the same gcc version (you may be lucky and build _may_ work, but your troubles probably are caused by missing the bootstrap part).
BTW: I would suggest gcc-3.4.6 + gpc-20070904 -- this _should_ be easiest combination to build.
I made many experiments and tried nearly all combinations. The only working one is: gpc-20070904 based on gcc-4.1.2. Gpc compiles all my programs and seem to work (also breaking the 32 bit limitation) but I could not yet test all results. The defaults used in my install script are set to work on my Intel 64 bit machine running with SUSE 10.2. See: http://www.desy.de/~bohnen/gpc/tools/install.gpc The message '/usr/bin/ld: skipp...' after starting gpc still appears.
Thank you for help Ernst-Ludwig
-- Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Waldek Hebisch hebisch@math.uni.wroc.pl