For the main tests, i hope it's the end... Up to you to correct my tests... or, "online"
fsc01-05 : array R/W fsc06-10 : packed array R/W fsc11 : array in a record (just one, i dont think it's usefull :) ) fsc12 : enum fsc13-14 : string (R/W) fsc15-16 : range write (integer and char) fsc 17-18 : functions and range fsc 19-25 : predefined functions (chr, fillchar, ...) fsc26-27 : conformant array R/W fsc28-30 : slice array fsc31-35 : actual schema discriminant
fsc36-37 : "for loops", i'm not sure it's what you expect...
For asm target, i have a problem... The only "assembler language" i know is MIX (thanks D. Knuth :-) )... And i haven't really got time to learn it before... long time i'm afraid... Can anybody help here???
For the remaining... What's missing? wrong? misunderstood?
I've never played with delphi extensions, the OO language i used was java. And i'm teaching the very basics of programming so, i never used slice array and other schema discriminant before, it's possible i missed a lot of thing... Just explain me (or point me to a relatively short tutorial), i only ask to learn :)