Hello Waldek, Frank and List!
WH> you should see something like: WH> ....../cc1 -E -quiet ....
Well, what is the decision? Is it bug in gpc, in gp, or am I doing something wrong?
1) If _unmodified_ gpc gives your result (and gcc does not!) I would consider it a gpc bug, however ATM it looks more like local modification (maybe a wrapper script?). Namely, the `-quiet' option is generated from `specs' file and is there. The part which reads (interprets) specs file is common to all platforms and is identical to code in gcc. BTW, I have build gpc targetting ppc-linux and I do not see timing reports.
2) Only Frank can tell if gp is supposed to cope with timing reports. When using unodified gpc one can give `-Q' option which turns time reports on -- Frank should decide if gp is compatible with this option.