Dear friends,
I tried to compile a programme of mine using this version of gpc, I compiled together with gcc:
[abeccara@sm1 pi]$ gpc -v Reading specs from /home/abeccara/progs/gcc-3.4.3/lib/gcc/i686-pc-linux-gnu/3.4.3/specs Configured with: ./configure --enable-languages=pascal --prefix=/home/abeccara/progs/gcc-3.4.3 Thread model: posix gpc version 20050331, based on gcc-3.4.3
This is the command line:
gpc -O3 -w --automake \ --ignore-function-results \ -foptimize-sibling-calls \ --implicit-result \ --unit-path=./units \ --unit-destination-path=unit-obj \ -L$MPICH \ -L. pimb.pas -o pimb
but I constantly get this error:
error: `gpc.gpi' must be recompiled
I never got it before.
I tried to set GPC_EXEC_PREFIX as follows:
[abeccara@sm1 pi]$ echo $GPC_EXEC_PREFIX /home/abeccara/progs/gcc-3.4.3/lib/gcc/i686-pc-linux-gnu/3.4.3/
and also to copy all units from /home/abeccara/progs/gcc-3.4.3/lib/gcc/i686-pc-linux-gnu/3.4.3/units into my units directory
but nothing changes.
Can you help me?
Kind regards
Silvio a Beccara
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