Maurice Lombardi wrote:
failed during stage 2 , immediately after building p/gpc.o with message:
make.exe[1]: *** No rule to make target `choose-temp.o', needed by `xgpc.exe'. Stop. make.exe[1]: Leaving directory `c:/djgpp/b/gnu/gcc-2.953/build.djg/gcc' make.exe: *** [all-gcc] Error 2
choose-temp.o, as well as pexecute.o also needed, are contained in build.djg/libiberty (also in libiberty.a in the same directory). Seems related to the change:
Fri 20 Apr 2001 14:42 Frank Heckenbach
* moved rules for parse.[ch] and hash.h to, so they can be properly included in $(GPC_GENERATED_FILES)
which introduced these .o in the rule for xgpc
I can blindly moove the files or correct the rules, but it is better that you check why you have introduced these objects and where they are on linux.
I think the difference is not between DJGPP and Linux, but between gcc-2.8.1 and 2.9*. As you might know, I use 2.8.1, so I changed Make*2.8.1*. (I don't even the other versions of the makefiles on my machine.) Peter moved my changes to the other Makefiles, and probably something went wrong there. Since I don't have them handy, I can't check or correct them, so Peter, please do that.