I've just built your package and have a possible bug report. Of course, this may be a RTFM isuue, but I felt I should offer this report none the less.
Synopsis: When installing the package, the install of the units, docs, and demos causes fatal make errors.
Detailed descripion:
Download date: 20 Mar 2000 Download site: ftp://agnes.dida.physik.uni-essen.de/gnu-pascal/current/ Package: gpc-19990118.tar.gz
Build platform: Sun Solaris 2.7 GNU 'make' version: 3.78.1 GNU 'patch' version: 2.5.4
(Note: I also built this package on a RedHat Linux v6.0 system without this error occurring. 'INSTALL_DATA', which is set to the same value as 'INSTALL' appears to have been configured with the value '/usr/bin/install -c'.)
The configure script appears to have set the values of both INSTALL and INSTALL_DATA to './install.sh -c'. This causes the installation of units, demos, and docs to fail. The makefile which is generated, performs a change of directory prior to calling 'INSTALL_DATA'. I modified the Makefile and added '../../' prior to the $(INSTALL_DATA) in the offending lines (three of them). These lines appeared in the 'pascal.install-*' rules. The changes were as follows.
pascal.install-units: pascal.install-dir $(srcdir)/p/units/crtc.h . . . cd $(srcdir)/p/units; \ for file in *.pas *.inc *.c *.h; do \ ../../$(INSTALL_DATA) $$file $(unitsubdir)/$$file; \ chmod a-x $(unitsubdir)/$$file; \ done
pascal.install-demos: pascal.install-dir cd $(srcdir)/p/demos; \ for file in *; do \ ../../$(INSTALL_DATA) $$file $(demodir)/$$file; \ chmod a-x $(demodir)/$$file; \ done
pascal.install-info: pascal.info -rm -f $(infodir)/gpc.info* ; if [ -f p/doc/gpc.info ]; then \ cd p/doc; \ else \ cd $(srcdir)/p/doc; \ fi; \ for f in gpc.info*; do \ ../../$(INSTALL_DATA) $$f $(infodir)/$$f; \ done
Further investigation shows that the Linux box (which installed just fine) has the GNU version of 'install' and the 'install' on the Sun is the version that ships from Sun. Your configure script may want to use GNU 'install' and chooses to use your 'install.sh' script in place of 'install' if GNU 'install' is not found. This appears to be the case.
This entire situation may be a RTFM issue. However, I read the README and INSTALL file and no mention was made of needing to install GNU versions of make, patch, or install. The fact that I needed to install GNU make and GNU patch were SWAG's (Scientific Wild A$$ Guess's) on my part and only during the composition of this email have I realized that there is a GNU version of install as well.
Thank you for the product and sorry for this email if it's an RTFM issue.