On Tue, 23 Sep 1997 15:21:11 +0200, Frank Heckenbach wrote:
>But still I don't know how to get the system time in OS/2 or non-DPMI DOS
>(I was using the DPMI call only to call a DOS int, since I'm not sure if
>calling int 21 directly is OK)
If all you need is system time, why do you go through all of the
DPMI/int calls/&c, instead of just using extended Pascal's timestamp
routines. Or are these not available because you are turning
non-Borland features off when compiling these Borland-ish Units? Using
gettimestamp() should work on all gpc platforms, right? I guess I must
misunderstand what exactly you need for a 'system time.'
Kevin A. Foss --- kfoss(a)mint.net