Hello there !
I'm not sure, if this is the right place for my question, but I don't know
where else to look for help. So, if this is not the right way, please
I'm quite new to the use of GPC and started programming pascal with Borland's
Turbo Pascal. After a system-change from Dos to Linux I'm now using GPC.
My actual problem is that I don't find any procedures of functions to get
randomized numbers. I tried "randomize" and "random(n)" as in Turbo Pascal,
but it didn't work. :-)
Is there any unit perhaps, which includes such functions in GPC ? Is there
perhaps something like the "CRT"-unit ?
Any help would be very nice and if this is the wrong place to ask for, please
Thank you,
e-mail > chris(a)bockermann.ping.de
(subject "send pgp-key" for pgp-key)