The testsuite results for the latest gpc-20030830 compiler with
gcc-3.3.1 are the same as for gpc-20030507 with gcc-3.3.x. For the
record, I listed the results below.
Adriaan van Os
G4:~] adriaan% gpc -v
Reading specs from
Configured with: ../gpc-331d4/configure --enable-languages=pascal,c
--prefix=/Developer/Pascal/gpc331d4 --enable-threads=posix
Thread model: posix
gpc version 20030830, based on gcc-3.3.1
[G4:~/gnu/testgpc/test-20030830] adriaan% make
Running the GPC Test Suite. This may take a while ...
rm -f *.dat *.o *.s *.i *.gpi *.gpd *.gpc core a.out stderr.out *.exe
testmake.tmp dummy.c dummy.pas dummy.out diff_cr*.tmp fixcr fixcr.exe
rm -f todo/a.out todo/*.exe todo/*.o todo/*.s todo/*.i todo/*.gpi
todo/*.gpd todo/core
{ gpc --version | head -1; gpc --print-search-dirs | grep install |
head -1; hostname || echo "unknown host"; date "+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"; }
| \
sed -e 's,^,Testing ,;N;s,\n.*gcc-lib[/\], (,;s,[/\].*,),;N;s,\n,
(,;s,$,),;N;s/\n/, /'
Testing gpc 20030830, based on gcc-3.3.1 (powerpc-apple-darwin)
(G4.local.), 2003-09-14 17:45:03
echo "gpc -g -O3 -W -Wall -Wundef -Wpointer-arith -Wno-unused
--longjmp-all-nonlocal-labels "
gpc -g -O3 -W -Wall -Wundef -Wpointer-arith -Wno-unused
PC="gpc" PFLAGS="--autobuild -g -O3 -W -Wall -Wundef -Wpointer-arith
-Wno-unused --longjmp-all-nonlocal-labels " SRCDIR="."
TEST_MAKE_FLAG=test-make-flag "./test_run" "*.pas" | tee test_log |
"./test_sum" | tee test_summary
TEST agettext2test.pas: SKIPPED: libintl not installed
TEST asmtest.pas: SKIPPED: only for IA32
TEST asmtest2.pas: SKIPPED: only for IA32
TEST asmtest3.pas: SKIPPED: only for IA32
TEST bill5.pas: SKIPPED: `attribute( section(".ltext") )' not
TEST dario.pas: SKIPPED: only for IA32
TEST fjf105a.pas: SKIPPED: librx not installed
TEST fjf105b.pas: SKIPPED: librx not installed
TEST fjf165a.pas: SKIPPED: German locale not installed
TEST fjf77.pas: SKIPPED: range of LongReal not sufficient for
TEST fproc.pas: /var/tmp//ccdFaUpQ.s:unknown:Can't emit reloc
{- symbol "LSJR11"} @ file address 800.
/var/tmp//ccdFaUpQ.s:unknown:Can't emit reloc {- symbol "LSJR11"} @
file address 796.
/var/tmp//ccdFaUpQ.s:unknown:Undefined local symbol L3$pb
TEST gettexttest.pas: SKIPPED: libintl not installed
TEST gmptest.pas: SKIPPED: libgmp not installed
TEST jj5.pas: SKIPPED: `attribute (stdcall)' not available
TEST longr2.pas: SKIPPED: no LongReal math routines available
TEST nlgpp2.pas: /var/tmp//cc4oD0DK.s:unknown:Can't emit reloc
{- symbol "LSJR11"} @ file address 1056.
/var/tmp//cc4oD0DK.s:unknown:Can't emit reloc {- symbol "LSJR11"} @
file address 1052.
/var/tmp//cc4oD0DK.s:unknown:Undefined local symbol L3$pb
TEST regextest.pas: SKIPPED: librx not installed
TEST systemtest.pas: *** malloc: vm_allocate(size=2147483648) failed
with 3
*** malloc[9324]: error: Can't allocate region
*** malloc: vm_allocate(size=2147483648) failed with 3
*** malloc[9324]: error: Can't allocate region
# of GPC tests 3794
# of GPC tests passed 3776
# of GPC tests skipped 15
# of GPC tests failed 3
[G4:~/gnu/testgpc/test-20030830] adriaan% make MASK="fproc.pas
nlgpp2.pas" EXTRA_PFLAGS="--longjmp-all-nonlocal-labels -O2"
Running the GPC Test Suite. This may take a while ...
rm -f *.dat *.o *.s *.i *.gpi *.gpd *.gpc core a.out stderr.out *.exe
testmake.tmp dummy.c dummy.pas dummy.out diff_cr*.tmp fixcr fixcr.exe
rm -f todo/a.out todo/*.exe todo/*.o todo/*.s todo/*.i todo/*.gpi
todo/*.gpd todo/core
{ gpc --version | head -1; gpc --print-search-dirs | grep install |
head -1; hostname || echo "unknown host"; date "+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"; }
| \
sed -e 's,^,Testing ,;N;s,\n.*gcc-lib[/\], (,;s,[/\].*,),;N;s,\n,
(,;s,$,),;N;s/\n/, /'
Testing gpc 20030830, based on gcc-3.3.1 (powerpc-apple-darwin)
(G4.local.), 2003-09-14 18:49:23
echo "gpc -g -O3 -W -Wall -Wundef -Wpointer-arith -Wno-unused
--longjmp-all-nonlocal-labels -O2 "
gpc -g -O3 -W -Wall -Wundef -Wpointer-arith -Wno-unused
--longjmp-all-nonlocal-labels -O2
PC="gpc" PFLAGS="--autobuild -g -O3 -W -Wall -Wundef -Wpointer-arith
-Wno-unused --longjmp-all-nonlocal-labels -O2 " SRCDIR="."
TEST_MAKE_FLAG=test-make-flag "./test_run" fproc.pas nlgpp2.pas | tee
test_log | "./test_sum" | tee test_summary
# of GPC tests 2
# of GPC tests passed 2
# of GPC tests skipped 0
# of GPC tests failed 0