Hi all, Are there many people using GNU Pascal for game development?
I am the project leader for the JEDI-SDL project ( http://www.delphi-jedi.org/Jedi:TEAM_SDL_HOME ) and my aim from the start was to provide Pascal bindings/headers for as many Pascal compilers as is feasible. Currently I support Delphi 4^, Kylix 1^ and FreePascal.
I noticed that there is already a partial SDL conversion for GNU Pascal made by Eike Lange. I believe that my bindings are more complete at this stage and would like to incorporate support for the GNU Pascal compiler if someone on this list can tell me how I can make that possible.
The latest JEDI-SDL ditribution, that shipped with Delphi 7 and Kylix 3, can be downloaded from http://www.sf.net/project/jedi-sdl/ .
Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.
Dominique http://www.DelphiGamer.com := go on, write a game instead;