Hi all, Are there many people using GNU Pascal for game development?
I am the project leader for the JEDI-SDL project ( http://www.delphi-jedi.org/Jedi:TEAM_SDL_HOME ) and my aim from the start was to provide Pascal bindings/headers for as many Pascal compilers as is feasible. Currently I support Delphi 4^, Kylix 1^ and FreePascal.
I noticed that there is already a partial SDL conversion for GNU Pascal made by Eike Lange. I believe that my bindings are more complete at this stage and would like to incorporate support for the GNU Pascal compiler if someone on this list can tell me how I can make that possible.
The latest JEDI-SDL ditribution, that shipped with Delphi 7 and Kylix 3, can be downloaded from http://www.sf.net/project/jedi-sdl/ .
Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.
Dominique http://www.DelphiGamer.com := go on, write a game instead;
Hi Dominique!
On Thu, Feb 27, 2003 at 11:30:22PM +0000, Dominique Louis wrote:
Are there many people using GNU Pascal for game development?
I don't think so, but IMO, SDL is very interesting!
I noticed that there is already a partial SDL conversion for GNU Pascal made by Eike Lange. I believe that my bindings are more complete at this stage and would like to incorporate support for the GNU Pascal compiler if someone on this list can tell me how I can make that possible.
Which informations do you need? Did you finish all the ports using GNU Pascal? Did you read the "GNU Pascal Coding Standards"?
The latest JEDI-SDL ditribution, that shipped with Delphi 7 and Kylix 3, can be downloaded from http://www.sf.net/project/jedi-sdl/ .
(Page Not Found - Error, Ah, I see - "projects", OK, found it) Could you set up a ".tar.bz2" archive? 16.5MB make it worth compressing it somewhat more.
If I can help you, let me know.
Hi Eike,
Eike Lange wrote:
I don't think so, but IMO, SDL is very interesting!
I totally agree. IMHO, Pascal offers unrivaled productivity, though the main tools I use are Delphi and Kylix. There are a few games being written that use JEDI-SDL and am hoping to secure a commericial port using JEDI-SDL soon. So I definately think it is viable for game development as well.
Which informations do you need? Did you finish all the ports using GNU Pascal? Did you read the "GNU Pascal Coding Standards"?
Where can I download this document? My bindings use dynamic binding to the DLL under Windows and the shared object under Linux. How is this achieved using GNU Pascal? I noticed your bindings make use of a C file. I have never seen this setup before, so maybe you can explain how the C and Pascal files interact.
(Page Not Found - Error, Ah, I see - "projects", OK, found it) Could you set up a ".tar.bz2" archive? 16.5MB make it worth compressing it somewhat more.
Sorry the correctly link is http://www.sf.net/projects/jedi-sdl/ and it come with Pascal documentation and quite a few 2D and 3D ( using OpenGL ) demos that cross-compile on Windows and Linux ( at least they do with Delphi and Kylix and should work with outer Pascal compilers with a little tweaking ).
I do not have a tar.bz2 handy but will try and create one using Linux this week-end, but can't guarantee anything.
If I can help you, let me know.
Basically I need to know what compiler variables identify the compiler as a GNU Pascal compiler. I also need to know where GNU Pascal picks up it's types from and how different they are to Borland's Pascal types, if at all.
Dominique http://www.DelphiGamer.com := go on, write a game instead;