Hi Dominique!
On Thu, Feb 27, 2003 at 11:30:22PM +0000, Dominique Louis wrote:
Are there many people using GNU Pascal for game development?
I don't think so, but IMO, SDL is very interesting!
I noticed that there is already a partial SDL conversion for GNU Pascal made by Eike Lange. I believe that my bindings are more complete at this stage and would like to incorporate support for the GNU Pascal compiler if someone on this list can tell me how I can make that possible.
Which informations do you need? Did you finish all the ports using GNU Pascal? Did you read the "GNU Pascal Coding Standards"?
The latest JEDI-SDL ditribution, that shipped with Delphi 7 and Kylix 3, can be downloaded from http://www.sf.net/project/jedi-sdl/ .
(Page Not Found - Error, Ah, I see - "projects", OK, found it) Could you set up a ".tar.bz2" archive? 16.5MB make it worth compressing it somewhat more.
If I can help you, let me know.